Saturday, June 5, 2010

Healthy Tips

Food and exercise are what we need to help maintain our energy levels throughout the day. You should strive to workout three times a week and balance it with the right combination of foods. It also helps to avoid the mid day sump!

Healthy Lifestyle Tip:
To help ensure the lunch your eating is giving you super energy, instead of weighing you down, there are three tips you should follow.

1. Quality Carbohydrates: You should build your meal out of complex carbohydrates; the kind that are digested slowly to give you a longer, steadier stream of energy. Just about any high-fiber carbohydrate will do, like beans, brown rice, whole-grain bread, quinoa, and even vegetables like Brussels sprouts and eggplant.

2. Healthy Fat: Our bodies need some healthy fat to help them absorb all the goodness of certain fat-soluble nutrients in our meals (such as vitamins A, D and E). Fats also help you to feel fuller for longer!
TIP: You can top soups and salads with chopped walnuts or drizzle some olive oil on your whole-wheat pasta. Sandwich eaters can replace mayonnaise with a few slices of avocado.

3. Lean Protein: Making your meal "mostly veggie" and adding some lean protein to give you more lasting power. Skinless chicken, lean meats, fish, tofu, eggs and beans are all excellent sources of protein.

By not skimping on the necessities of balanced nutrition, sleep and exercise you can get the most out of your day.

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