Sunday, September 23, 2012

Grow your own Garlic?

Did you know that you can grow your own garlic? Supposedly one planted clove can produce up to  twenty cloves! It doesn't seem very hard, So I am going to try this out for myself and keep you updated on the process over at my Hungry For Living Facebook Page.

It doesn't seem that difficult to cultivate your own garlic at home.  Here is how you can try it yourself!
 Simply plant a garlic clove in a small pot. If the clove has started to sprout that is even better. If your cloves have yet to begin to sprout you just want to make sure to plant them with the pointy end up. If you have a bigger pot or flower box you can plant multiple cloves, just make sure to plant them a few inches apart.  You can also plant them in a garden if you have the space.
 You want to make sure it is placed in a location that gets a lot of sun and that the soil isn't too damp.

If you plant your clove inside water it occasionally like you would an indoor plant. As the garlic begins to grow it will sprout leaves. Eventually they will turn brown die.  This is good though, it means it's time to harvest the garlic.
Simply dig out the garlic and hang the bulbs in a cool, dry location to allow them to dry.  After about a week the garlic should be dry.  Now you can clean it off and cook your favorite recipe.

Would you try to grow your own garlic?

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