Sunday, May 30, 2010

Welcome to the blog world!

On my 25th birthday I went out to dinner and drinks with my friends. The next day when looking at the photos from the previous night I realized that somthing had to change. I have yo-yo'd up and down with my weight for many years and when I saw those pictures I knew something had to change. It was my turning point. Soon after I joined a local weight watcher's and began the slow process of weight loss. Fast forward 2 years, I am a few months away from my 27th birthday and 40 pounds lighter. During this time I have learned alot & changed alot. Recently though I have hit a plataue. I don't know if I have become confident, lazy or both. In this country its so hard to stay on track with healthy living when we are surrounded by a fast food nation. I thought that by tracking my journey it would help me to stay on track while along the way sharing what I learn.

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